Today presented me with a paper diet conundrum. I want to scrabble club. We are supposed to keep score on. There are two show sheets per page. It's printed front ad back. There are also our official pink score sheets, on which they keep club records.
In the future I will bring my own scrap paper. So as to reduce paper usage. Live and learn or in this case play and learn. I like reducing paper consumption while at the same time finding new ways to do what I want. My total page count is: 5,282.5.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Day 58
I didn't use any pages today. I did, however, organize all my my paper and I found happily my notes from the night I heard Andrea and Lunelle read. My total page count is still: 5,284.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 57
The big news in my day is that my tower is working again. I used half a page to take notes for a poem about a free concert and separate poem mostly about a conversation with a friend. My total page count is now: 5, 284.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 56
The end of my 8th week on the diet marked a few big occurrences in this experiment. I finally used a ream of paper in total today. Crossing the line when I printed out 175 pages onto which I made 350 promotional fliers to advertise myself to all the Five College Queer Sexuality and Gender Conference attendees. They are awesome and hard to miss in blinding yellow. Thank you Hampshire College Duplications!!
My total paper usage is 90.53% remaining, even though I’ve made some conservation errors. These include forgetting my scratch paper or losing applications and needing to reprint them. My total page count is now: 5, 284.5.
I am mystified as to how the “average” American (whoever that may be) is so wasteful. I’m only trying to be slightly mindful and I am all too often failing. Yet I’m still over at over 90% of my paper remaining when I’m only allowing myself 10% of the “average” usage.
My total paper usage is 90.53% remaining, even though I’ve made some conservation errors. These include forgetting my scratch paper or losing applications and needing to reprint them. My total page count is now: 5, 284.5.
I am mystified as to how the “average” American (whoever that may be) is so wasteful. I’m only trying to be slightly mindful and I am all too often failing. Yet I’m still over at over 90% of my paper remaining when I’m only allowing myself 10% of the “average” usage.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 55
I reused a piece of "Invictus"- a short Victorian poem by the English poet William Ernest Henley because someone at writing group said my work reminded him of it (a pretty nice complement). I had to reprint an application, because I lost and sadly the page of notes I scribbled on the back- ugh! Total page count: 5459.5.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 54
I went to my writing group audition and did well. I think I'm in. They handed out a booklet of nine single sided pages. Plus I took one page that someone wrote a one word note to me on it. I also printed out a two page direct deposit form for Angie. It not all 12 people were there (but there was enough quorum to vote on me), so I get some extra scratch paper. Total page count: 5460.5.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 53
I'm auditioning for a writing group. Twelve copies of 5 pages, plus 9 mess up sheets equals 69 pages today. Sixty of those I don't get back. The other nine I can at least use the back of. I also took a flier of a benefit, poetry concert Total page count: 5472.5!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Day 52
I used no pages today. Easy when you wake up after noon. Total page count: 5542.5!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 51
I started the day at 5541.5 pages and for the first time ever I added a page by returning an unused, unwritten, and still usable page of a Chicago science fiction convention flyer. Total page count is now, 5542.5! Go me for returning a page that someone else can get use of. I think Mother Earth would have approve!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Day 50
Eight pages in the Boskone Program. I also 1.5 to write notes on. One page was really small, so I'm counting it as half. Lots of awesome panels and good notes to write up when I get home. Several poems in the brewing post Page count: 5541.5!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 49
The first day of my vacation isn't going well. First, Peter Pan removed my bag without telling me. Then they damaged mt laptop (which I didn't know until about 20 minutes ago. Then they forgot to return the bag they removed. I'm going to give 'em Hell tomorrow!
I wrote a letter to my cousin Chuck (most important paper usage of diet) and took a program at a reading. Page count: 5551!
I wrote a letter to my cousin Chuck (most important paper usage of diet) and took a program at a reading. Page count: 5551!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 48
No paper used. I went to a "Friends of the Library" meeting, but didn't take agenda. Page count: 5553!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 47
I used three pages to print out a story excerpt and I found a new writing group in Ware near my house that meets on Wednesday. The story sounded good read out loud, too.
Page count: 5553!
Page count: 5553!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 46
I woke up early again. I wrote tons, I did taxes, and most creatively important, I went to two poetry readings, where I took notes on the back of my Abilities Expo form. It looks messy now, I figured they only see the front. No need to waste a sheet of paper on it. Page count: 5556.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 45
I used a lot of paper day. I printed 6 pages that listed my profit and loss statement from internet earnings in 2010- $2,061.36 and I was paid $237.49. That doesn't include my book sake earnings. I also printed 4 pages of tax forms. And I happily printed out one more page of Exhibitor acceptance form to the Abilities Expo, where I got offered a free artist space.Page count: 5556.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 44
I woke early. I called my assistant at 6:58 am. She was not pleased. I wrote some notes on the page I took to the library yesterday, but then forgot to take the page to a singing event, so I took a flier to take notes. Another page wasted. Bad conservationist.
In another news, I gathered up all my used paper to put in my folder and found a year old page of poetry notes. Sometimes cleaning your desk is a good thing. Page count: 5567.
In another news, I gathered up all my used paper to put in my folder and found a year old page of poetry notes. Sometimes cleaning your desk is a good thing. Page count: 5567.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 43
I used one piece of paper. I took it from the library (I asked them first). I used it to write notes when I went to look at my poet friend's husband's art show. I'll probably take the same page the Jones Library tomorrow when I have more events. Page count: 5568.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 42
It's the end of week six. I still have 95.4% of my paper remaining after poetry critique (and a a mishap with that), 3 applications, and two pages of questionnaires for my series of interviews of people with disabilities.
The last time I wrote a report two weeks ago, I had 95.83% remaining. I've used less than half a percent of my of my paper will really minor effort that it truly not that difficult at all, I wonder how "the Average American" (whoever that may, in fact, be) can be such a wasteful creature?
Page count:5569.
The last time I wrote a report two weeks ago, I had 95.83% remaining. I've used less than half a percent of my of my paper will really minor effort that it truly not that difficult at all, I wonder how "the Average American" (whoever that may, in fact, be) can be such a wasteful creature?
Page count:5569.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 41
This afternoon... I used 4 pages for my critique groups; 4 poems of a page but a bigger font this time. Then a printed a 3 page application. Then used 11 pages to print another poem, which I will share with lady poet friends (because I'm to shy to share it with the whole nixed/hetero- mostly- group). I was supposed to print 5 pages, but I made an error in printing. Total pages today, 17 pages.
Much later At least I have most of these 4 pages to use as notes and got some good feedback on both poems. Page count:5569.
Much later At least I have most of these 4 pages to use as notes and got some good feedback on both poems. Page count:5569.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 40
My printer needs drivers again, because my assistant needed to reinstall by copy of Windows again. I wanted to print out another application, but I can until the drivers get fixed. I hope that happens, because I want to print out poems for critique group inside of paying at the library. My page count is: 5,586.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 39
I used no paper, but I filled out my applications and started my Lambda Literary Writer's Retreat and began working on the portfolio I'll send them. I wrote a book review and a little more of my Isa story. My page count is: 5,586.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 38
I printed a page of apartment searches for Angie. Tomorrow is my day for feeling out applications. My page count is: 5,586.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Day 37
My page count is: 5,587. I used 2 backs of applications. I used two pages that don't get sent to Lambda. I printed an interview with a person with a disability that took two pages to print out.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Day 36
My printer works thanks to my housemate. I printed out applications to Lambda Literary and Northampton Pride. Lambda is 5 pages and Northampton Pride. My page count is: 5,587.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Day 35
My printer problems are due to the lack of something called "drivers". My PCA says she'll fix tomorrow, so I can print out my applications. My page count is still: 5,593
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Day 34
I am not feel well. My printer still doesn't work. I'm going to deal with the printer thing tomorrow. My page count is still: 5,593.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 33
I used no paper today. Although I tried to do so, needing print out my pride and my Lambda Literary Emerging Writers Retreat applications. But the my new printer is having issues. Therefore, my page count is still: 5,593.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day 32
February 1st... I'm grounded the van service is canceled, so I'm not going to DC. You'd think I'd get poetry done, but no like thus far. Maybe I'll take a walk in the snow and hope for inspiration. Page count: 5,593.
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